Support Our Summer Program

Though most of our students went home before travel restrictions prevented it, around 50 students cannot return home mostly because their countries have closed for entry.

These students are still on campus and most will not be able to leave Norway for the entire summer. We want to make sure they are well supported and have a special experience in Norway on campus and beyond.

During the month of June UWC Norway and our host families have generously offered to host the students in their private homes. In July, our students will come back to campus for an extraordinary Summer Program, with a variety of activities and possibilities. Including coastal cleanup in co-operation with Sogn & Fjordane Friluftsråd.

We seek support for costs covering:

  • Transport
  • Food
  • Summer program activities

Donate via GoFundMe LINK or Vipps to 110433 (for more donation options scroll down)

Support the Renovation of Students Village


The Renovation of the student houses is going according to our plans.

Two Houses ready. In February, our students moved back into a completely renovated Finland House with improved living conditions. With good leadership from our residential team, their time in the barracks was spent well and even enjoyed by some. At the end of May Norway House was completed. Worn on Sweden House has begun.

Funding. The Norwegian Education Department has given us an extra 3 million annually for the period we are doing this work. We need an equal amount from alumni and friends to carry out the operation. Help the coming generations of our students to benefit from the same good standards in their daily living.

Online donations can be made below.

We turn to alumni and friends to seek support for our work in enabling all our students to succeed.

There are several easy ways to send money:

1. Online

a) GoFundMe: click here for The Campus Renovation Campaign 2019.

b) Use Vipps to 110433. Search for: Stiftelsen Røde Kors Nordisk United World College

c) Payment by a credit card via secure PayPal

For directions to use Norwegian Paypal, click the thumbnail.

Donation Options

Paypal – For single donations

d) For UK taxpayers.

One method of donating in a tax-efficient way in the UK is to use our ‘UWC Red Cross Nordic Alumni and Friends’ Scholarship’ page – click here for access.

For further information on how to donate in other tax-efficient ways in the UK, please email:

2. Bank Transfer.

Please indicate that the transfer is for the UWC Red Cross Campaign Fund.

Account Name: Red Cross Nordic United World College
Account Number: 3700 15 02744
IBAN: NO39 3700 15 02744
Swift code: SOFJNO22
Bank: Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane, 6800 Førde, Norway

Donation in Norway, deduction of taxation

UWC Red Cross Nordic has an arrangement with the tax authorities that makes gifts from Norwegian citizens and residents who tax in Norway deductible for tax. The lower limit for a single donation is 500 NOK.

For more info on tax deductible gifts in Norway, click here.

Norwegians can also use Vipps to make donations. Please search for Stiftelsen Røde Kors Nordisk United World College.

Skattefradrag for gåver til Røde Kors Nordisk United World College (UWC RCN)

På gåver til UWC RCN mellom kr 500 og kr 50,000 blir det gitt skattefrådrag frå første krone.

Maksimalt frådrag for gaver 50,000 pr år.

For at du skal kunne få skattefradrag, må vi vite fødselsnummeret ditt samt namn og adresse. Dette, saman med beløpet du har gitt, må sendast inn til skattemyndigheitene av oss. Dersom UWC RCN ikkje har fødselsnummeret ditt, kan vi ikkje melde inn gaven til skattemyndigheitene, og du vil ikkje få skattefrådrag.

Vi sender ut årsoppgåvene i januar til alle som har gitt til saman 500 kr eller meir i det foregåande året. Denne kan du bruke for å sjekke at riktig beløp er ført i sjølvmeldinga (3.3.7. Andre fradrag: Gaver til frivillige organisasjoner og tros- og livssynssamfunn).

Gåver gitt på Vipps og Go Fund me
Når du gjev ei gåve via Vipps får vi ikkje personopplysningane dine. Om du vil ha skattefradrag for slike gaver, må du ta kontakt med oss direkte slik at vi kan registrere gåven din og fødselsnummeret ditt.

For innsending av personopplysninger, ta kontakt med Mostak Rahman på epost:

Når det gjelder Vipps må du gjerne ha dokumentasjon på gåva klart (kvittering, skjermbilder, mm), så er det lettere for oss å hjelpe deg.

If you have any questions about making donations, please contact us at:

Every gift really makes a difference and is vital to our success. Your support will have an immediate impact on the life of a student.