Eventual winner Philip Sumner deep in thought ... a strategy emerging?

Eventual winner Philip Sumner deep in thought … a strategy emerging?

A party of fourteen from RCNUWC – students and a member of staff – played in the Masfjorden Grand Prix Chess Tournament over three days February 19-21. Six rounds were played in a Swiss system with a Buchholtz tie breaker. Six of us finished in the top eleven places and received prizes. They were Alex Silva Garcés (Ecuador), Edson Cadenillas Ñaccha (Peru), Jacob Yath Deng Dau (South Sudan), Kip Sumner (Canada), Philip Sumner (China/Canada) and Redi Cane (Albania). Philip was the outright winner, with six wins out of six games, beating Monica Lauvik Fjelstad in the crucial final game on Sunday afternoon! Results can be inspected on the website, here.