Hege Myhre – Rektor
Collective Competence and Capabilities
We are delighted to welcome a new generation of students to UWC RCN; a place set out to foster resilience, personal growth, and intercultural awareness of global matters. When entering our campus, you will be stunned by its imminent beauty. Just like a gorgeous campsite. Yet, RCN is more than a camp. Professional cultures connect the way people perform their work to the people they are, the ideas and purposes they pursue, and how they work collaboratively. Knowing this, there should be no limit to the achievements of RCN community members!
Almost 1,5 years into a pandemic few or none of us have witnessed before, it is with pride we report the previous academic year as fully operational and successfully completed, with students attending from all around the world. RCN members created, implemented, and adopted to extra rules and regulations in a constant flow, at the same time as enduring isolation from the world outside campus and yet having the energy and drive to seek academic and life-skill achievements. Covid didn’t bring restrictions only, but also innovation, dedication, and deeper understanding of global concerns. It also gave us a more comprehensive understanding of our expressed humanitarian commitment.
Professional learning environments need a systematic design if going to create and sustain productivity in lines with the expressed mission and vision. This skeleton design of RCN is now under review. You will already see changes like strengthened student support for greater differentiation and new student leadership structures for the student council. More to come! The world is evolving, so is RCN.
To repeat myself from last year: A collaborative approach for active, global citizenship focusing on sustainability and peace is the only way forward. At RCN we commit our collective competence and capabilities in this endeavor.
Hege Myhre, Rector
Rektor’s Quarterly Report
Education is
the most
powerful weapon
which you can use
to change
the world
Nelson Mandela
Honorary President