Education as a Force

The 2024 UWC International Congress, held from 29 February to 2 March, marked a significant milestone in the history of our movement. This Congress, which was a culmination of the UWC’s 60th anniversary celebrations, adopted a hybrid format, bringing together over 400 participants at our school in Phuket, UWC Thailand, while also connecting with numerous others virtually worldwide.

Under the banner of “Education as a Force,” derived from our mission to harness education as a catalyst for peace and sustainability, the Congress delivered inspiration to all. The event created dynamic discussions, fostered collaboration and paved the way for transformative initiatives across our global UWC community and beyond. Through a series of pre-Congress workshops and plenary sessions spanning from September 2023 to February 2024, followed by both in-person and virtual sessions at our first truly hybrid UWC International Congress, the UWC community came together in our commitment to drive change.

From UWC Red Cross Nordic A delegation of 9 attended the event, among them two students, Leslie Noelle Ndikumana and Tenzin Norbu Lama. This is how Leslie remembers the fantastic event:

“The UWC Congress is an event happening once every six years, this year it took place on 29 February – 2 March 2024 in Phuket, Thailand. The event celebrated the UWC movement’s 60th anniversary as well as brought together students, alumni, staff, donors, NC members, and more in discussing the future of education and re-aligning UWC’s educational model to the greatest needs of our time. Through a combination of keynote sessions, panel discussions, workshops and impact talks, we will re-energised UWC’s mission to make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future. The key sessions of the Congress were divided into 5 different tracks: Curriculum, teaching and learning, Admissions, Wellbeing, Financial sustainability, and Educational leadership and partnership. Outside of the 3 days with key and plenary sessions, we also had Student delegate time and a Gala dinner at the end for everyone.

My personal experience with it was great, I got to meet different people, RCN alumni, directors, politicians, and even more inspiring people from all the different UWC schools. It’s crazy to think about how many there are. I think my favorite part about it all had to be visiting another campus and meeting other fellow student delegates, chosen to represent their schools. We all managed to plan and execute a great project we’re hoping will last until the next congress. I genuinely made lifelong friends and memories in those 4 days, it was an amazing experience that I’ll never forget.”

We would like to thank the organizers and hosts, UWC Internation and UWC Thailand, for these inspiring and impactful days!

Photos: Tenzin Norbu Lama