During International Week in Bergen the UN Association had invited us to take on a central role for two events which were going to be considering our common responsibility – Humanitarian and Environmental:
Environmental Seminar: The Future of the Earth – Our Common Responsibility
Cultural evening with debate: “Go Roma with us!” How can Roma people be engaged in education to participate in society?
Big thanks go to Bergen Red Cross who provided a central and intimate location for the Roma event, and Hordaland Fylkeskommune for financial support. Roma guitarists from Snétberger Academy lifted the crowd with their virtuoso guitar performance, both at the start and the end.
The venue was decorated with the colorful paintings made by children from the Real Pearl Foundation. Veena Gil from the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) provided practical advice on how we can move on to create concrete projects for this theme, which is part of the College’s ambition – to create more opportunities for young people from marginalized backgrounds.
guitaristsThe Climate Conference was attended by students from the various Schools at Videregående level in the Bergen region. RCN students Michelle (Venezuela), Bakhita (East Timor), Mahlet (Ethiopia) and Liana (Russia) introduced the whole event, their talk focusing on environmental concerns in their own regions. Many of the invited guest speakers focused on the discrepancy between the seriousness of the knowledge we have on climate changes and what we actually do about it.
They were two events which we were very happy to be involved with.