During Staff Introduction Week we were fortunate to have Andrew Turney from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and Angus Ford-Robertson from Battersea Yoga in London visit us to lead workshops and discussions for new and returning staff.
Andrew spoke about the Foundation’s work in promoting its belief that the circular economy provides a coherent framework for systems level re-design and as such offers us an opportunity to harness innovation and creativity to enable a positive, restorative economy to reach a sustainable future. Andrew provided us with an introduction to the thinking behind the circular economy – it was an interactive and practical training in system thinking and a good platform to discuss how it might be included within the RCN teaching and non-teaching profile.
Angus, who is based in the UK, and who teaches Yoga and Mindfulness internationally, led a day-long workshop introducing us to the underlying principles and key skills of Mindfulness, and was included in the Staff Introduction Week as part of RCN’s ongoing commitment to the psycho-social work environment.
Other presentations, delivered by members of staff, included Nynorsk for beginners, a day-long English workshop for support staff, and an introduction to Entrepreneurship in Education led by Arne Osland and Ivar Offedal from University College, Sogndal.
Our thanks got to all our visitors and workshop leaders who helped make the Staff Intro Week such a stimulating start to the new term.