At the UWC Red Cross Nordic quarterly Board Meeting, held at the Astrup Fearnley Museum in Oslo, Gisle Kavli was thanked for his contribution to the development of the partnership between the College and the Norwegian Red Cross. As a Board member Gisle has given an extraordinary amount of time and energy to the partnership and we are certain that he will continue to be a champion of the education that UWC offers both within the Nordic region and beyond. We wish him well in his new role working for the diocese of Fredrikstad.
We are delighted to welcome Liv Rongland to the RCN Board as the representative of the Red Cross. She has considerable experience working for the Red Cross both in Oslo and Geneva. She is currently Leader of Section for Care and Organisational Development at the Norwegian Red Cross. Liv is excited at the prospect of serving the College and has kindly invited the students on our December Break programme to visit the Red Cross office in Oslo and to run a workshop on ‘Street Mediation’. We look forward to welcoming her to our campus in 2015.
På vårt siste styremøte i Oslo ble Gisle Kavli takket for sine bidrag som vårt styremedlem fra Norges Røde Kors og for det han har gjort for samarbeidet. Vi ønsker ham lykke til i hans nye jobb som kirkeverge i Fredrisktad.
Vi er glade for å ønske Live Rongland velkommen som ny stryerepresentant fra Norges Røde Kors. Hun kommer med erfaring fra Røde Kors både i Oslo og Geneve og er i dag seksjonsleder for omsorg og foreningsutvikling. Hun har allerede invitert studentene på desember-programmet i Oslo til en økt om gatemegling. Vi ser fram til å ta imot henne på campus i 2015.