
Environmental certificate

In 2021 we can look back at being certified for 10 years through Eco-Lighthouse. It is Norway’s most widely used certification scheme for organisations to document their environmental efforts. It is a EU-recognised management and certification scheme,  on par with international eco-labelling schemes (EMAS and ISO 14001). With Eco-Lighthouse we work to create more environmentally friendly operations, sustainability education and a safer work environment beyond our legal requirements. We  are recertified every 3 years, processes that stimulate continuous improvements.

Sustainability education

Our education focuses on sustainability both in- and outside of the classrooms. We cover global sustainability topics through subjects, special events and ongoing extra-academic activities. Apart from the global issues we have several local engagements. A recent example is the coastal cleanup  we carry out in cooperation with the local Outdoor Council. We are also a distribution point for coastal cleanup equipment for the local community. Read more.

 Environmentally friendly operations

Environmentally friendly operation and sustainability education is intertwined at the College. The College is located between the fjord and the mountains with easy access to nature. We  pay attention to reducing our waste emission with a strong student involvement. A new project allows students to analyse food waste data from our cantina, and make suggestions  to reduce our food waste.



Giulio Giorgi, RCN ’03

June 28th, 2024|

Giulio Giorgi, a proud and talented alumnus of the United World Colleges Red Cross Nordic (UWC RCN), embraced the spirit of global citizenship and community service that defines [...]

Lea Komba RCN’24

June 17th, 2024|

Lea Komba is an RCN alumna of the class of 2024 from Angola. During her time at RCN, Lea was a very passionate changemaker; she loved public speaking and [...]