Blog Medium Image2018-10-16T09:31:03+01:00

Olivier Sebastiaan Roekens (RCN 2019)

After having spent most of my summer traveling around Asia visiting friends and taking some time to reflect upon my UWC experience, I started studying Liberal Arts and Sciences at Leiden University College in The Hague. Here I got involved in the UNICEF Student team, where I spend most of my time organizing different [...]

By |October 19th, 2020|People of RCN|0 Comments

Happy UWC Day

UWC Day is the annual global celebration of the UWC mission and values. At RCN we have reserved the whole day for workshops focusing on Humanitarian and Environmental Issues. The day ends with a formal dinner in National Costumes (or festive clothes) followed by student students led celebration with live music. Alumni and [...]

By |September 21st, 2020|News|0 Comments

We welcome Solveig-Karin (RCN 2000) as co-year rep.

At the heart of the UWC education model is a deliberately diverse, engaged and motivated community in pursuit of our mission. This also means that UWC students have an open invitation to stay engaged with the movement after graduating. Over the last years, we have increased our efforts for the work to actively [...]

By |September 10th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Daniel Hallundbæk (RCN ’17-’19)

After graduation from RCN I had decided to take a gap year, with my only plan being working and visiting friends. But when everyday life began after RCN, it was very anticlimactic. Slowly the days however started looking brighter, I could appreciate my job as a handicap assistant more and I had decided to [...]

By |September 8th, 2020|People of RCN|0 Comments

Welcoming our Students to a Safe Community

Starting up again we carefully seek to meet all challenges posed by the pandemic. This means establishing routines and standards which we now are putting into daily practices. We are set to minimize the chance of bringing Covid to a campus and a municipality that still has not had anyone infected. We are [...]

By |September 2nd, 2020|News|0 Comments
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