Blog Medium Image2018-10-16T09:31:03+01:00

Climate Eyewitness Workshop at RCN

UWC Red Cross Nordic, the Norwegian Glacier Museum and 4H successfully applied to "den Naturlige Skolesekken" for a climate education pilot project. The first programme in the pilot project was a Climate Eyewitness Workshop at RCN. The workshop was organized by six of our students, coming from five different continents and was delivered for a [...]

By |March 3rd, 2016|News|0 Comments

Our Annual Half Marathon

Our eleventh Solidarity Half Marathon was held at the College on February 28th. From the start 21.1 km away on the road to Rysjedalsvika, twenty-five participants made their way from snowy roads in the higher ground down into bright sunshine and firmer footing in the latter stages. Nik Schelling of Italy ran the fastest time [...]

By |March 2nd, 2016|News|0 Comments

UWC International Board Meeting

It is very exciting that UWC Red Cross Nordic is this week hosting its own Board for a quarterly meeting as well as the UWC International Board and other guests (including representatives of other schools and colleges who are seeking approval for UWC membership – and the respective Task Forces charged with the role of [...]

By |February 27th, 2016|News|0 Comments

Group 4 Science Project Day

In most science classes students work alone or in pairs; the purpose of the Group 4 project is to introduce students to the idea that science is a group activity performed by teams and that do not always comprise of just physicists, biologists or chemists but a mixture of scientists from different disciplines plus mathematicians, economists [...]

By |February 27th, 2016|News|0 Comments

Norwegian Red Cross Partnership

It is with great pleasure that today we announce a partnership between the Norwegian Red Cross and UWC Red Cross Nordic. RCN has been invited to be an integral part of the local Red Cross Førstehjelpsgruppa / First Response Team. This means that our trained Red Cross second year first aiders and the Coordinator / other [...]

By |February 26th, 2016|News|0 Comments
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