Happy UWC Day

2020-09-21T14:32:08+01:00September 21st, 2020|

UWC Day is the annual global celebration of the UWC mission and values. At RCN we have reserved the whole day for workshops focusing on Humanitarian and Environmental Issues. The day ends with a formal dinner in National Costumes (or festive clothes) followed by student students led celebration with live music.
Alumni and Friends of RCN are invited to participate in the RCN Quiz at 16:00 (CET) (Quiz info bellow)
UWC takes place on 21 September every year, to coincide with the UN International Day of Peace. Each year, UWC Day is celebrated by thousands of people worldwide, including students and staff at UWC schools and colleges, national committees, UWC alumni and friends.
RCN Quiz Today at 16:00 (CET)
Link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73843982441?pwd=Y2Y2WDc5NzNtLzVVSFRCSVBwWTVBUT09
Meeting ID: 738 4398 2441
Passcode: ZbY6SE

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We welcome Solveig-Karin (RCN 2000) as co-year rep.

2020-09-10T12:09:38+01:00September 10th, 2020|

At the heart of the UWC education model is a deliberately diverse, engaged and motivated community in pursuit of our mission. This also means that UWC students have an open invitation to stay engaged with the movement after graduating. Over the last years, we have increased our efforts for the work to actively engage with alumni, with a Development and Alumni Relations Officer as a central person to continuously foster the relationship. He works with a small but dedicated Coordination Group and year representatives from every single generation of alumni.

We welcome Solveig-Karin (RCN 2000) as a co-year representative, joining Rémi Gau (RCN 2000) who has been an active year representative for many years. Solveig-Karin works as Quality Coordinator at Malmo University. She has a master degree in Communication for Development.

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Welcoming our Students to a Safe Community

2020-09-02T13:15:30+01:00September 2nd, 2020|

Starting up again we carefully seek to meet all challenges posed by the pandemic. This means establishing routines and standards which we now are putting into daily practices.

We are set to minimize the chance of bringing Covid to a campus and a municipality that still has not had anyone infected. We are directed by the general and sector specific guidelines in Norway and have a good dialogue with local and state authorities.

In a few areas we have chosen to be more restrictive than the current advice, with our special setting in mind. Regardless of where they come from, all students are tested for Covid twice, shortly after arrival. Until their last test comes back negatively, they wear a mask. Students coming from ‘red’ zones go into quarantine where they follow another set of rules. They live in separate rooms, get food delivered and attend classes online.

Most of the students are already out of quarantine, but the quarantine routine continues as all students have not yet arrived. In this period, many of us have learned to recognize the smile under the mask.

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Alumnus research on COVID-19 w. WHO

2020-08-21T10:21:25+01:00August 21st, 2020|

Morten Skovdal (RCN 2000) has joined forces with WHO to understand the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 on migrants and refugees globally. The survey is available in 37 languages, most of which have been expertly translated by members of the UWC community. Please share and encourage participation.

For details about the study

Project website

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