Outdoor Leadership Programme


The Outdoor Leadership Program is a voluntary training program that aims at building the students` capacities as leaders. The program runs through two academic years, and graduating students get an internal Outdoor Leadership Diploma. Key areas in the program include:

  • The principle of Leave No Trace
  • Norwegian Public Right of Way in Nature
  • Friluftsliv in a cultural context
  • Planning and preparing for a trip
  • Navigation and leadership during a trip
  • Wilderness First Aid

A student voice

Being woken early in the morning by a Swiss, brushing your teeth standing next to a Dane, hurrying to class in the morning rush hour with an Uzbek, sitting next to an Angolan in class, being taught Economics by a Guatemalan, going to a Ghanaian to clear confusions in Maths, going for a run with a Brazilian; all these are little things that make this place beautiful. This place is special.