Miljøfyrtårn or Eco-lighthouse is Norway’s most widely used environmental certification scheme It is an EU-recognised system, like EMAS and ISO 14001. With Eco-lighthouse we work to create more environmentally friendly operations, sustainability education, and a safer work environment beyond our legal requirements. In 2021 we can look back at being certified for 10 years through Eco-Lighthouse and we just got successfully audited and recertified for the next 3 years in the frameworks of the constantly revised and tightened requirements.
Latest News
IEPs at RCN: Tailored Support for Student Success
At RCN, students receive comprehensive support throughout their two-year program. This includes well-being support at the residential houses, as well as academic support from subject teachers and the Learning Support department. To address [...]
World Religion Week 2022
Between the 7th and the 13th of November, we continued with what has become a tradition at RCN: World Religion Week. This week we offered many different sessions, such as formal, philosophical lectures, [...]
Message from the Rektor, December 2022
Dear RCN Community, RCN captures you! So it was an easy decision to accept the offer from the board to extend my contract beyond the initial, interim year. It is hard to know exactly [...]