Chinese language and Culture EAC - here in Bergen celebrating the lunar new year

The Extra-Academic Programme (EAP) consists of formally registered activities led by either staff members or by students with appropriate staff supervision and support. Extra-Academic Committments (EACs) cover the three aspects of the IB CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) programme and the three Pillars of the College (Environmental, Humanitarian and Nordic) to various degrees.

A student has at least two EACs at any given time but will tend to have more than the minimum. A student should have a balanced program with respect to the above-mentioned six aspects over two years. Participation in EACs will develop organizational and leadership skills, meet a variety of challenges, appreciate the beauty of our local environment, practise teamwork and co-operation and form an enduring commitment to humanitarian service.

A student voice

Being woken early in the morning by a Swiss, brushing your teeth standing next to a Dane, hurrying to class in the morning rush hour with an Uzbek, sitting next to an Angolan in class, being taught Economics by a Guatemalan, going to a Ghanaian to clear confusions in Maths, going for a run with a Brazilian; all these are little things that make this place beautiful. This place is special.