– In you I see future leaders with a growth mindset, qualities the world needs to tackle what is ahead of us. Action to tackle the climate crisis is urgent, and all sectors need to contribute. Avoiding an imminent crisis out of fear, is not a sufficient motivating factor. Change starts at a personal level, with everyone being involved. Kimberly is optimistic about a paradigm shift in the business world, not being driven solely by profit, but with a deeper understanding of the common good.
Latest News
We welcome Solveig-Karin (RCN 2000) as co-year rep.
At the heart of the UWC education model is a deliberately diverse, engaged and motivated community in pursuit of our mission. This also means that UWC students have an open invitation to stay [...]
Welcoming our Students to a Safe Community
Starting up again we carefully seek to meet all challenges posed by the pandemic. This means establishing routines and standards which we now are putting into daily practices. We are set to minimize [...]
Alumnus research on COVID-19 w. WHO
Morten Skovdal (RCN 2000) has joined forces with WHO to understand the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 on migrants and refugees globally. The survey is available in 37 languages, most of which have been [...]