At the start of a new school year we are introducing two new subjects, French Ab Initio and Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS). With more than 300 million users, from five continents, French is the fifth most widely spoken language in the world.

Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) uses an integrated approach, encouraging students to make informed judgments and decisions about the role of information and communication technologies in contemporary society. It explores the advantages and disadvantages of the access and use of digitized information at the local and global level. ITGS provides a framework for the student to make informed judgments and decisions about the use of IT within social contexts.

On starting the course, Pablo Vega Rodriguez-Villa said: “I chose to take ITGS because technology is already changing our daily life, and it is becoming more and more important. I find it really interesting to be able to debate about the ethical problems that are relevant in our society today.”

Read more about the Diploma Program and the subjects we offer.

Pablo Vega Rodriguez-Villa in ITGC class

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