On April 17th, the Annual Council Meeting at UWC Red Cross Nordic confirmed Charlotte Nordstrøm, Hilde Sandvik and Logan Tatangmo Tikombouo as new members of our Board. We welcome them to join us. Thanks to Liv Ronglan, Astrid Søgnen and  Alejandro Quecedo del Val for their service for our College, as outgoing representatives.

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Alan Hall: 1938-2021

November 17th, 2021|

It is with great sadness we received the news of the death of Alan Hall. Alan dedicated his whole professional life to the UWC, being the longest serving teacher at UWC Atlantic College [...]

Finnish delegate to COP26 online at RCN

November 12th, 2021|

Thursday 11th November Ville Niinistö, former Minister of Environment for Finland, now Member of the European Parliament, had an online with all our students, who gathered in the auditorium. He was part of [...]