On April 17th, the Annual Council Meeting at UWC Red Cross Nordic confirmed Charlotte Nordstrøm, Hilde Sandvik and Logan Tatangmo Tikombouo as new members of our Board. We welcome them to join us. Thanks to Liv Ronglan, Astrid Søgnen and Alejandro Quecedo del Val for their service for our College, as outgoing representatives.
Latest News
Visit by Robert Mood
As part of our anniversary celebrations we received a visit by President of the Norwegian Red Cross, Robert Mood on Feb 4th - 5th. During the stay he got to learn about and [...]
Giulio Regeni Commemoration
Giulio Regeni was born on the 15th of January 1988 in Fiumicello in north-east Italy. With a strong passion towards politics and human rights, Giulio applied to UWC and joined the UWC USA [...]
Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony
War is the exemplification of hell on earth for all involved. I know it, because I have been there and come back. These were the words of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dr. [...]