On April 17th, the Annual Council Meeting at UWC Red Cross Nordic confirmed Charlotte Nordstrøm, Hilde Sandvik and Logan Tatangmo Tikombouo as new members of our Board. We welcome them to join us. Thanks to Liv Ronglan, Astrid Søgnen and  Alejandro Quecedo del Val for their service for our College, as outgoing representatives.

Latest News

RCN Council Meeting 2019

April 30th, 2019|

Pär Stenbäck Our annual Council Meeting was held at the end of last week. Following elections we are glad to welcome Johan Aura (Finland) as a new member to the Council. [...]

IB Visual Arts Exhibition

April 11th, 2019|

After two intense years of practice and creation, the 2nd years Visual Art students had their Final exhibition on Sunday the 7th of April. The community had the pleasure to walk through a [...]

Dignity and Dignitaries

April 2nd, 2019|

This, year's annual Mandela Lecture was given by Evelin Lindner in our auditorium March 29th, on the theme - From Humiliation to Dignity: for a Future of Solidarity. Equality in dignity was a [...]