Over the past weekend at the College, the Red Cross Youth in Sogn og Fjordane held an instructor course for students as part of their activities promoting sexual health. Twelve students from the RCN participated. They were both 1st and 2nd year students from the UK, Norway, Tanzania, Bolivia, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Belarus, Tadjikistan and Libya.

During a workshop
The content of the course was appreciated by the participants because it can be used to activate discussion among young people. Icebreaker games and other practical exercises in communication were amongst the activities demonstrated to facilitate the learning process. There was much to learn about this subject: for some of the students it was the first time they had learned anything about STI’s. They completed the course and will now have some understanding, and the tools necessary to promote discussion and raise awareness.
The feedback to the organisers was good, especially when it came to the activities demonstrated. The fact that the course also had a focus on how the participants can make a programme for youth in their own local societies, and think locally about the issues raised seemed to motivate them.
Among the practical activities were:
- Communicating a message/argument in a good way
- Discussions about the reality of living with Aids: that one can live a good, fulfilling life with HIV (with the support of medicines)
- How language, attitudes and behavior affect learning, and how to use good techinques in teaching this delicate subject to others
- How to use a condom correctly, and teach this away to others
- How to communicate well in a group situation and more…..
This was an instructor-education course that will enable the participants to more confidently communicate information about sexual health in a non-threatening, and non-discriminatory way.
Thanks go to RCN teacher David Robertson for organising the day and to workshop leaders Christian Vik from Sogn og Fjordane Red Cross, Sirianne Pidic from the District Council for Youth and Hilary Hamper, former RCN nurse, now working in the local community.