Starting on 11th February, HIFUS and the companies at Haugland hosted a two-day seminar with a focus on health and human resourcefulness, with participants from many sectors. The theme of the seminar was: “The Sound of the Human Being”.
The seminar opened with a lecture by Cato Zahl Pedersen in English in front of a packed auditorium. Cato told his own story (“Unarmed to the South Pole”) to the first year students and delegates – an inspirational introduction to health, how to find your own resources, and how to take responsibility for your own situation. Cato’s clear message to those gathered in the auditorium was that he sees himself as ‘differently abled’ rather than ‘disabled’ – and he reminded us how lucky and happy we should feel to be alive in this wonderful world.
Cato is also the Chair of Ridderrennet and is looking forward to seeing our participants there – taking to the white elements.
Read more about the conference here.