Anne-Mette Bredahl held the introductory lecture to our RCN Life Skills Programme for first year students. The lecture is part of our work to strive continuously towards building a resilient culture at the College. At an individual level Anne-Mette told about her great loss in life – when she became blind shortly after graduating from school. She had to re-learn and re-navigate, and – to her great surprise – discovered her athletic potential.  The discovery was made when embracing a new element – the Norwegian winter, by finding where her own possibilities and limitations were and by her interactions with others. Food for thought for our new students who are taking to an entirely new community and environment amid the fjords.
Anne Mette-Bredahl is visiting Haugland as a psychologist, as part of a professional team from Sunnås Hospital.  As an athlete she has won numerous gold medals from both the Paralympics and World Championships in Nordic Skiing.


‘There is more in you than you think’ is a quote from Kurt Hahn – founder of UWC.