UWC Day – Inspire Change
A day to celebrate on and off campus. We started the day listening to Board member Ivar Lund-Mathiesen on how the College came to be founded - a story of a few passionate people working [...]
Guðmundur Hegner Jónsson – Rektor
Guðmundur and Katarina "This place is so full of life, even before we have started the term." Katarina has arrived here to work together with Guðmundur, who is starting his new position [...]
SDGs with Bergen Næringsråd
25 trainees from Bergens Næringsråd (Bergen Chamber of Business), had their training at UWC Red Cross Nordic during this weekend. The focus of the programme was the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The programme included [...]
Flekke Glocal Challenge
UWC Red Cross Nordic in collaboration with cCHANGE and Sogn og Fjordane Fylkeskommune is pleased to invite teachers and students from Sogn og Fjordane to challenge themselves together to learn about our personal responsibility when [...]
Future Talks – In the Arctic
There are trips, and then there are the trips that change you. I found out the application at our UWCRCN homepage last term. I did not expected to be on the Arctic with 100 brilliant [...]
Junette Maxis (RCN ’05-’07)
Clinton Global Initiative Stay Hungry In 2011, I was attending the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU) event when the former US president Bill Clinton said to me, “Stay hungry”. I must admit, [...]