The LAMS school in Faisalabad
Our Diploma Coordinator and English/Theatre teacher, Pete Wilson recently spent a week at LAMS school in Faisalabad. The school was established to provide free education for the children of factory workers in Sultan Town. The [...]
TV Aksjonen 2016 at RCN
Queen Sonja (patron of UWC RCN and former Vice President of the Norwegian Red Cross) and Crown Princess Mette-Marit were patrons for this year’s annual Norwegian fund raising event (TV Aksjonen) for the Norwegian Red [...]
Visitors from a local Mottak
On 1 November twenty visitors from Sørbøvåg Mottak joined us for an afternoon of canoeing and hiking. Half the group canoed to Raudbua while the others trekked through glorious mud to reach our destination. After making [...]
UWC Congress 2016 – Trieste
Last week a delegation from RCN attended a conference at our sister college, UWC Adriatic, and then the two day UWC Congress in Trieste. Our Deputy Rektor, Alistair Robertson, co-led the conference held at UWCAD for education [...]
Lodewijk van Oord – UWC Maastricht
Congratulations to Lodewijk van Oord who has been appointed as the next Head of College at UWC Maastricht. Lodewijk started his UWC journey as a trainee teacher (from the University of Utrecht) back in 2002 [...]
Lions Camp at RCN – July 2017
Lions Clubs International (LCI) is an international secular, non-political service organisation. UWC Red Cross Nordic has an association with Lions Norway and we will be hosting an international youth camp for the physically disabled two-week [...]