Galdhøpiggen with the Red Cross
This year a group of students and teachers from RCN again participated in the annual Til Topps event, organized by The Norwegian Red Cross. It was the 10th anniversary of this amazing hike to Galdhøpiggen [...]
På Flukt (‘On the Run’)
Waking up This weekend, the College in tandem with the Norwegian Red Cross ran the annual På Flukt (‘On the Run’) simulation for first year students. There had been much preparation in the [...]
A Day on the Island of Svanøy
We set off at 0730hrs, wet, cold, windy. A joy to be on a boat! For the hour journey most stayed below deck ... fast asleep. When we arrived we quickly huddled under the nearest [...]
Meeting Place for Diversity
The present and coming generations will have to tackle serious issues when it comes to climate changes and people being forced to leave their homes. One generation of our students has just graduated, and many [...]
Graduation Ceremony 2016
Graduation took place on Saturday 21st May at UWC Red Cross Nordic. It was a pleasure to welcome so many families, host families from our local community and other guests on Friday evening for dinner in the [...]
Liusiadh Brown (Intern)
Liusaidh, a young, blue-haired teaching intern from Scotland, arrived at RCN in late July, 2015. She didn’t know much about the College and had no experience of teaching. She didn’t have much confidence, and the [...]