Staff Introduction Week
It has been Staff Introduction Week at RCN this week – this is an opportunity for staff to learn about the activities that have been happening on campus over the course of June and July, for Support and Education Staff to reconnect after the summer break, and for professional development / training and for preparation for the beginning of the academic year.
- Introduction to friluftsliv
- On the top
- At the glacier
This year’s Staff Introduction Week has featured a drinks reception, dinner with alumni and summer course students, induction for new staff, meetings, presentations and discussions. Professional development, delivered by a facilitator from the Norwegian Red Cross, was available for all staff in both Norwegian and English in ‘Appreciative Dialogue’ and, on the Friday, Education Staff were able to choose from three options based on the College’s three pillars: a visit to the Norwegian Glacier Museum; a course in mindfulness; and a friluftsliv course.
The Introduction Week finished with a staff barbecue at the Høegh on Friday evening.