UWC International in South Africa

2018-03-02T08:27:24+01:00March 1st, 2018|

‘UWC smashed the myth of apartheid into smithereens’

UWC International held an inaugural event in Johannesburg, South Africa, with the focus on ‘How is the UWC movement impacting on development of South Africa and the continent, and can we do more?’

The UWC community including the South African NC, alumni, representatives from Waterford Kamhlaba, members of the UWC International Board, newcomers to UWC and others participated in an interesting evening of speeches, a panel discussion and wider debate.

One of the guest speakers, Thulani Gcabashe (Chairman, The Standard Bank Group.Executive Chairman, Built Africa Holdings) – and UWC WK alumnus, spoke of the role of Waterford Kamhlaba and UWC in his life as it helped ‘to smash the myth of apartheid into smithereens’ for him and other students and staff.

These are now exciting times in Southern Africa with leaderships teams being encouraged to change.

It was great to have the opportunity to talk to Thobile Nzimande (RCN 2009-11) who, as a member of the South African NC, is helping with selection of new UWC students. RCN has had nine students from South Africa since the College was founded and we look forward to receiving many more.