About Lasse Markus

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So far Lasse Markus has created 47 blog entries.

Daniel Hallundbæk (RCN ’17-’19)

2020-09-08T09:53:19+01:00September 8th, 2020|

After graduation from RCN I had decided to take a gap year, with my only plan being working and visiting friends. But when everyday life began after RCN, it was very anticlimactic.

Slowly the days however started looking brighter, I could appreciate my job as a handicap assistant more and I had decided to study glass blowing in Sweden. So things were falling in place.

Then I left for Costa Rica, to be with one of my best friends from RCN, which was amazing. Sadly, I had to leave quite abruptly in the beginning of march due to Corona. But it wasn’t all negative, because while being in Costa Rica I also realized all the great opportunities I had in Denmark.

So I came back home and started working with a political artist (Jens Galschiøt) I meet during a presentation at RCN. Working with him included helping with happenings (such as demonstrations and exhibitions) and learning his sculpturing techniques.

Over the summer I also became a part of a Dutch program called “Bright Minds for Covid 19” which was awesome and lead me to a volunteering position in SMILFONDEN, (the smile foundation), which is an organisation that brings joy to terminally ill kids at the main hospital in Copenhagen. I’m going to start there in January where I am going to lead various creative workshops with the kids.

Over the summer I once again decided on going to University, so I have taken another gap year to apply for design academies. I am currently on a Danish boarding school (Folk high school) working with design and improving my chances of getting in to design academies.

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Welcoming our Students to a Safe Community

2020-09-02T13:15:30+01:00September 2nd, 2020|

Starting up again we carefully seek to meet all challenges posed by the pandemic. This means establishing routines and standards which we now are putting into daily practices.

We are set to minimize the chance of bringing Covid to a campus and a municipality that still has not had anyone infected. We are directed by the general and sector specific guidelines in Norway and have a good dialogue with local and state authorities.

In a few areas we have chosen to be more restrictive than the current advice, with our special setting in mind. Regardless of where they come from, all students are tested for Covid twice, shortly after arrival. Until their last test comes back negatively, they wear a mask. Students coming from ‘red’ zones go into quarantine where they follow another set of rules. They live in separate rooms, get food delivered and attend classes online.

Most of the students are already out of quarantine, but the quarantine routine continues as all students have not yet arrived. In this period, many of us have learned to recognize the smile under the mask.

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Alumnus research on COVID-19 w. WHO

2020-08-21T10:21:25+01:00August 21st, 2020|

Morten Skovdal (RCN 2000) has joined forces with WHO to understand the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 on migrants and refugees globally. The survey is available in 37 languages, most of which have been expertly translated by members of the UWC community. Please share and encourage participation.

For details about the study

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Amina (RCN’19) awarded with Davis Project for Peace

2020-08-14T09:07:11+01:00August 14th, 2020|

Congratulations to Amina (RCN’19). The Davis Committee has chosen her project among the rewarded for the ‘Davis Project for Peace’ 2020.

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