On the weekend of September 2nd – 4th, the new board of RCN met for the first time since our new principal Pelham Lindfield Roberts was appointed in early summer. Appointing a new head for a school is a demanding task – we have had many considerations. But to meet the new head in action, after the first 4 weeks, has been extremely exciting and inspiring. It is therefore with great pleasure that we can now say that we are more than satisfied with the pedagogical, academic, administrative, and not least personal commitment that we can hear students and staff expressing at such an early stage in their employment.

We have had a busy and demanding weekend, where many topics have been dealt with, many plans decided – but at the same time with time to enjoy the fantastic weather, with sun and warmth, which this particular weekend offered us. Furthermore, we had prioritized discussing a future greater focus on sustainability at our school. Moreover, it has been a really good experience to see how our new 1st year students have been well received in the large community. An exciting year for all these lovely students has started. As a collective board, we look with great satisfaction and joy at the future cooperation with management, students, and employees.

Jens Petersen, Deputy Chair of the Board

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