We are now ready for the summer season on campus, with approximately 750 participants.
We start Monday 28th June with an activity camp for local children before hosting 7 different camps for the Red Cross.

Latest News

  • Answering questions in the bright Spring sunshine

Sven Mollekleiv

March 2nd, 2015|

On behalf of UWC Red Cross Nordic, congratulations to Sven Mollekleiv on the receipt of the award of the Order of St Olaf from His Majesty The King for his commitment to humanitarian action – [...]

  • The Green Thumbs blog banner

Green Thumbs

March 2nd, 2015|

What would students do without Mom`s heart-warming soup or Grandma's home remedies? The Green Thumbs EAC winter term project answers these questions for the RCN community. The Green Thumbs is an environmental EAC that approaches sustainability [...]

  • Our students

Heile verda på ein skule

February 27th, 2015|

Heile verda på ein skule – Internasjonale studieplassar i Sogn og Fjordane. Vil du studere saman  med elevar frå heile verda i eit miljø prega av sterkt samfunnsengasjement og mange spanande aktiviteter? Er du engasjert og [...]