We are now ready for the summer season on campus, with approximately 750 participants.
We start Monday 28th June with an activity camp for local children before hosting 7 different camps for the Red Cross.

Latest News

  • Students in the auditorium

Tedx at UWC Costa Rica

February 9th, 2015|

It was a privilege to join our sister College, UWC Costa Rica, during their second TEDx UWCCR event. TEDx events are independently organized talks created in the spirit of “ideas worth spreading”. The event was [...]

  • Winter - looking towards the classroom buildings

Vacancy – UWC Connect

January 29th, 2015|

This spring UWC Connect opens a new Centre for visitors at Haugland in Fjaler, Western Norway. We are looking for an experienced and ambitious person to lead the development of an international centre for the region. The [...]

  • Summer, Iman and Cheyenne at UWC Maastricht

Peace Conference

January 29th, 2015|

Over the past weekend, we had the privilege of attending the International Peace Conference hosted by UWC Maastricht in the Netherlands. Two students, one from Israel and one from Palestine, who realized the importance of [...]