We are now ready for the summer season on campus, with approximately 750 participants.
We start Monday 28th June with an activity camp for local children before hosting 7 different camps for the Red Cross.

Latest News

  • The Graduating class before the Friday night dinner

Graduation Day 2014

May 26th, 2014|

"Partir c’est mourir un peu" or, in English, "To part means to die a little". The end of this school year for the graduating class of 2014 was celebrated in the auditorium on Saturday, before a [...]

  • Arne Osland delivering his address

Partnering for Change

May 16th, 2014|

Our College was invited to take a central place at this year's Partnership for Change Conference in Oslo, May 14th-15th and was represented by first year student Khin Kyaw (Myanmar), Kerrion Murhesa and Director of [...]

  • Sven Mollekleiv addressing staff, students and guests in the auditorium

The Norwegian Red Cross

April 30th, 2014|

President Sven Mollekliev, Norwegian Red Cross – on the Value of Volunteering and Focus on Participation. President of the Norwegian Red Cross, Sven Mollekleiv, visited the College on Tuesday April 29th to give a lecture in preparation [...]