We are now ready for the summer season on campus, with approximately 750 participants.
We start Monday 28th June with an activity camp for local children before hosting 7 different camps for the Red Cross.

Latest News

  • At Ridderrennet

RCN at Ridderrennet

April 5th, 2017|

Ridderrennet is a huge winter sports event for people with various disabilities that takes place at Beitostølen every year. A group of twelve RCN students went together with Hilde, a teacher from the College, and Guro, [...]

UWC Costa Rica Anniversary

April 3rd, 2017|

On Friday 31st March, our sister college UWC Costa Rica celebrated its 10th anniversary and its journey from a school within SOS Children's Villages to a UWC College. The College over the years has had [...]

Global Concerns – The Nordic Region

March 24th, 2017|

Nordic Art and Drawing After musical performances and an introduction to the day's events from teacher Lisa Jokivirta, the day's keynote speaker spoke to a full auditorium. Lars Magne Andreassen is Director of Lule Sami Institute [...]