Glaciers are giant reservoirs for 70% of the world’s freshwater, and glacial retreat provides a stark visual representation of climate change. We have many glaciers in Norway, near us the biggest one on the European continent: Jostedalsbreen.
In a unique project, in collaboration with CNN Call to Earth initiative, a group of students will learn about glaciers, visit and monitor one. Then, after a year of study, they will share their knowledge with the worldwide audience with the help of CNN. Our good friends, glacier experts at Norwegian Glacier Museum, will guide us on this journey. Follow us for more exciting news about the project!
As a kick-off, we had a great trip to the Glacier Museum. First, glacier guide, Magnar Mundal, introduced us to the Museum and its many exhibits and interactive models, including watching a magnificent panorama film of Norwegian glaciers.

Next, we visited a glacier foot, where he described and explained many aspects of glacier production and retreat and the importance of glaciers in Norwegian nature and culture. Fascinating trip and cold toes too!

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