UWC IMPACT Programme

2018-10-16T09:33:09+01:00August 12th, 2015|

UWC International yesterday announced a USD $15,000,000 funding boost through a gift by American philanthropist, Shelby M.C. Davis. Mr Davis’ gift acknowledges the continuing appeal of UWCs’ internationally recognised education model, which has deliberate diversity of the student body and education for community leadership at its heart. Each year through its global network of 15 schools and colleges, UWC provides unique educational opportunities for nearly 2000 students from more than 150 countries. The movement has an annual turnover in excess of £130 million and has recently invested £200 million in three new colleges in Armenia, Germany and China.

Contributions made through the Davis-UWC IMPACT programme will ensure UWC can continue to award places to students based on merit, irrespective of their background. Under the programme, charitable donations from alumni and their families to the UWC institutions will be matched dollar for dollar, thereby doubling contributions.


Jakob Sande

2015-08-09T14:15:04+01:00August 9th, 2015|

The annual event, Kobbeskjerskvelden, in celebration of our local poet Jakob Sande, was hosted at Haugland on Friday. This tradition starts with a convoy of boats leaving for a singalong outside his old cabin near Flekke. The main attraction of the evening was a concert with Ola Bremnes. The evening was blessed with fine weather and was enjoyed by all.

Visit from Nordahl Grieg vgs

2018-10-16T09:33:09+01:00August 9th, 2015|

The Management Team from Nordahl Grieg Videregående Skole in Bergen visited UWC RCN from Wednesday to 5th to Friday 8th August. Lin Holvik, the Rektor, and her team choose a location outside Bergen each year for pre-term meetings for the management group and this year they asked if they could come and connect with UWC Red Cross Nordic. It was a pleasure to host them here – with meetings in K2, a kayaking expedition, a drinks reception at Bekker House, and a walk up Einingsfjell. The management teams discussed many areas of possible cooperation between RCN and NG and we look forward to working together on some mutually-beneficial projects during the course of the next academic year. Earlier this year, Nordahl Grieg vgs was awarded an Innovation Prize (in London) for its use of information technology in teaching and learning settings.

UWC RCN Photo Competition

2018-10-16T09:33:09+01:00July 31st, 2015|

Dear incoming first years, new second years and current staff, alumni, Leirksule visitors and other supporters,

On Monday 21st September 2015, we plan to celebrate the 20th anniversary of UWC Red Cross Nordic in tandem with the 150th anniversary of the Norwegian Red Cross. We are designing a programme with special focus on the College’s partnership with the Red Cross and Her Majesty Queen Sonja, our patron, has kindly agreed to attend our anniversary event. The 21st September also give us the opportunity to celebrate UWC Day and the International Day of Peace as observed across the world.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we are planning a photographic competition open to current UWC students (incoming first years and second years), Support and Education Staff and their children, week 39 Leirskule visitors, the staff and week 39 patients at the Rehabilitation Centre, and Sogn og Fjordane Red Cross.

Once all entries are in, a team of Reidun (Visual Arts Teacher), Edmund (College Photographer), Summer (Director of Residential Life) and Nimra (Chair of the Student Council) will decide on a short list based on the following criteria:

  • creativity and originality;
  • effective composition;
  • artistic merit;
  • content (relevance to the theme of ‘Peace’).

Reidun and Edmund will then mount and display between 12 to 15 shortlisted photographs as UWC RCN’s 20th Anniversary Exhibition to Peace in the Høegh Centre. The exhibition will be formally opened as part of Her Majesty’s tour of the campus – and the exhibition will turn, at a later stage, into a two year exhibition in a different space at RCN.


Theme: ‘Peace’
We invite one submission of digital photography per person;

Please email your full-size image directly to Edmund Cluett at nc01eclu@staff.rcnuwc.no between now and the end of Student Introduction Week (Friday 21st August) with the subject line of ‘Exhibition to Peace’. Please include:

  • Your full name and country/countries of origin;
  • The title of your photograph;
  • The location of the photograph;
  • A maximum of 100 words in English explaining why you feel that your photograph captures the theme of ‘Peace’ – these will be included in the exhibition for those shortlisted.

Larry on behalf of the competition organising committee

UWC Red Cross Nordic


UWC Røde Kors Nordisk fotokonkurranse

Kjære fyrsteårsklasse, nye andreårsklasse, tilsette, alumni, leirskuledeltakarar og andre supportarar,

Mandag 21.september skal vi feire 20 års jubileet til UWCRCN og 150 års jubileet til Norges Røde Kors. Vi har laga eit program med fokus på UWC sitt samarbeid med Røde Kors. Dronning Sonja, som er vår verge, har takka ja til å vere med på feiringa. 21.september er og UWC dagen og den internasjonale fredsdagen som vert feira verda rundt.

Som ein del av feiringa, planlegg vi ein fotokonkurranse som vert open for studentar (fyrste- og andreårs) på UWCRCN, tilsette og deira born, leirskuledeltakarar i veke 39, tilsette og klientar på Rehab i veke 39 og Sogn og Fjordane Røde Kors.

Når alle bilda er mottatt vil Reidun (kunst lærar), Edmund (fotograf), Summer (ansvarlig for internatet) og Nimra (elevrådsformann) plukke ut dei bilda som får mest poeng etter desse kriteria:

  • Kreativitet og orginalitet
  • Komposisjon
  • Kunstnarleg innhald
  • Innhald (relevant for Fred som tema)

Reidun og Edmund vil henge opp dei 12-15 bilda som får høgast poengsum. Desse bilda vil vere UWC si utstilling for fred i Høegh under 20 års jubileet. Utstillinga vil verte formelt opna av Dronninga. Utstillinga vil seinare verte ei toårig utstilling på UWC, i eit anna lokale.


Tema: ”Fred”

Vi ynskjer eit digitalt bilde per person;

Send inn bilde ditt i full storleik direkte til Edmund Cluett nc01eclu@staff.rcnuwc.no frå no og

fram til slutten av studentane si intro veke (fredag 21.august). Bruk ”Exhibition to Peace” som

emne på eposten. Eposten må inneholde fyljande:

  • Fullt namn og kva land du kjem frå
  • Tittel på fotografiet
  • Staden bildet vart tatt
  • Maks 100 ord på engelsk som forklarar kvifor du syns bildet ditt omhandlar ”Fred”.

Teksten vert lagt ved dei bilda som vert trekt ut.

Larry på vegne av komiteen som organiserer konkurransen.


UWC Røde Kors Nordisk

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