LGBTQ+ Pride Celebration

2019-05-13T08:15:54+01:00May 13th, 2019|

On Saturday, members of the RCN community gathered for the annual LGBTQ+ Pride celebration. Fifty students, staff members, and families marched from the school to Flekke in a joyous, colorful parade. In Flekke, leaders of the Gender and Sexuality student group (GAS) spoke about the history of Pride and the continuing struggles faced by queer people around the world.

Saturday evening, GAS partnered with Amnesty International as students signed a petition protesting the brutal treatment of LGBT people in Chechnya. Finally, students gathered for a show on the sunny lawn to share poetry, song, and moving stories of personal experience.

Thank you to all those who participated in this affirming coming-together of our community! Happy Pride!

See here for an album of photos from the day.

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RCN Council Meeting 2019

2019-04-30T06:27:29+01:00April 30th, 2019|

Pär Stenbäck

Our annual Council Meeting was held at the end of last week.

Following elections we are glad to welcome Johan Aura (Finland) as a new member to the Council. Apart from the formal meetings the program was made so that the Council had several opportunities to interact with the students and get an insight into their activities.

Prior to the meetings, Jan Olav Baarøy, from NOREC informed the Council about their work under the title “The Exchange of People in a Changing World”. Chair of the Council Pär Stenbäck addressed the students with his focus being Democracy under threat, drawing on his recently published book.

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IB Visual Arts Exhibition

2019-04-11T06:28:46+01:00April 11th, 2019|

After two intense years of practice and creation, the 2nd years Visual Art students had their Final exhibition on Sunday the 7th of April. The community had the pleasure to walk through a transformed Hoegh and witness an exhibition full of talent, creativity, and diversity in style and mediums. A rewarding and overwhelming afternoon for the Art students as they shared their Art with their peers and teachers.

Click here for some pictures from the exhibition.

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Dignity and Dignitaries

2019-04-02T13:59:46+01:00April 2nd, 2019|

Prime Minister Erna Solberg with student, Chat.

This, year’s annual Mandela Lecture was given by Evelin Lindner in our auditorium March 29th, on the theme – From Humiliation to Dignity: for a Future of Solidarity. Equality in dignity was a central concept in Evelin’s address to the students, or to use a Norwegian term: Likeverd. This both resembles and is opposed to the concept of a dignitary, someone you subject yourself to. At the same time we had a group of 15 volunteers and participants at Ridderrennet, an event in the spirit of Likeverd, for joint athletic achievements and companionship. On completion of the final race, our two participants, Chat (Cambodia) and Hannah (Liberia) received their congratulations from Prime Minister Erna Solberg. Equality in dignity on and off campus.

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