Visitors from US Universities

2018-10-16T09:31:51+01:00September 28th, 2017|

One of the US university representatives talks to our students.Our annual university fair took place last weekend with many US universities represented. It was superbly coordinated by Mark Chalkley and Hildegunn Arstein, our RCN university counsellors, and Susan Albrecht and Dave Fredricks, the UWC tour coordinators. The DROP team kindly provided refreshments on Sunday morning in advance of the interview sessions. Last week, we also had Mona Taylor from the GB National Committee giving an introduction to Scottish Universities and Ed Love, from Oxford University, advising on crafting personal statements for UK applications. Thank you to Mark and Hildegunn for providing this external support and guidance for our second year students.

Our visitors were: Will Schiffelbein – Colorado College; Jenny Howenstine – St. Olaf; Tony Lee – University of Oklahoma; Kimberly White – Ringling College of Art and Design; Jee Won Lee – Whitman College; Susan Hillmann de Casteñeda – Earlham College; Amanda Stevens – St. John’s College; Jonathan Webster – Washington & Lee University;  Steve Schaefer – Concordia College; Crockett Marr – Reed College.

Art Exhibition – Inclusion

2018-10-16T09:31:51+01:00September 27th, 2017|

An exhibition was put in place on the 21st of September, for HM Queen Sonja, with the theme of “inclusion”, a value that is at the core of the UWC movement. The work displayed in Naustet – one of the boathouses next to the floating bridge – was a combination of mediums such as photography, painting, prose and written work, all relating to the theme, and was submitted by students and also staff of RCN and RKHR. The exhibition was assembled and organised by Rodrigo Freitas (Portugal), along with the help of other RCN students and staff. The Queen, an artist herself, was escorted and introduced to the artwork on display by Rodrigo Freitas and Mean Pring.

Some of the images from the exhibition:

Hana le Cam – Art teacher at UWC Red Cross Nordic

Long Service Award for Vidar

2018-10-16T09:31:51+01:00September 27th, 2017|

Vidar at work on the Baking House

Vidar at work on the Baking House

This summer saw the retirement of Vidar Jensen (Head of Maintenance) from UWC Red Cross Nordic. Vidar has worked at Haugland for the past 30 years, from the times before the College and the Rehabilitation Centre were opened – and, more recently, he has served the College for 22 years since it was opened back in 1995.

He has made an extraordinary contribution to the development of this place. In his retirement, he has taken on the role of project manager for the construction of the new Baking House on our campus.

On the afternoon of Thursday 21st September 2017, Vidar introduced Her Majesty Queen Sonja, the patron of the College, to the Baking House project. At the opening of the cultural show – and in the presence of Her Majesty – he was presented with the thirty years long service medal by the mayor of Fjaler, Gunhild Berge Stang.

(Main photo by Sven Onnerstad)

Ed Love – Visiting Intern

2018-10-16T09:31:52+01:00September 27th, 2017|

Over the past fortnight, Ed Love (a doctoral candidate in Egyptology at St. John’s College, Oxford) has been on a teaching internship at RCN. He has been visiting classes, contributing to our extra academic programme and has been helping students with advice on how to craft personal statements for university applications – and on one of the last evenings, he gave an outstanding presentation on the wonderful world of Egyptology to a group of over 40 students and staff.

Ed wrote the following after his internship:

I am glad to have an opportunity to share how grateful I am for the warm hospitality extended to me by both staff and students throughout my near fortnight at RCN. Being welcomed into your unique community, partaking in your classes, and sharing stimulating conversations with you all in the kantina made my time in Flekke deeply rewarding. Once again, I was astounded and humbled by the diversity of experience, enthused by the intelligence of discussion, and excited by the variety of aspirations exhibited by the student body, and I thank you all for letting me into your own worlds during my visit. Whether on stage in front of Queen Sonja, in the classroom in front of your teachers, or on the football pitch in front of your cheering housemates, the range of talents and robust sense of UWC community exhibited by you all was a joy to experience. I wish you all a fulfilling and productive academic year, and also wish those of you making University applications – whether to the UK or elsewhere – every success. Rest assured that for as long as

[my wife] Angelika and I remain there, you will always have friends in Oxford.

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