The Winter Programme

2018-10-16T09:32:20+01:00January 10th, 2017|

One of our students has written this account of the College’s Winter Programme.

The experience I had of the Winter Programme was one of the best experiences in RCN. It is run for ‘travel support’ students who College cannot afford to send back home for the December break. I had a choice to go back home but I decided to stay because I wanted to know more about the Norwegian culture and experience the way they celebrate Christmas here.

We spent our first week in Oslo. Some of us witnessed the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony and all participated in the torchlight parade through the City Centre. Everyone had been allocated a host family through the Norwegian National Committee.

We visited Vigelandsparken Sculpture Park, the Viking and Kon-Tiki Museums, and the National Gallery. We had a big dinner feast at the offices of SOS Children’s Villages. Some other memorable activities included the winter wonderland Ferris Wheel and ice-skating. For many of us it was the first time doing this, so it’s no surprise that we kept falling all the time. After the Oslo trip, we went to Red Cross Cabin in Langeland. One of the biggest challenges was the life without internet connection for 7 days. In the beginning, no one was happy about this.However, every single one of us turned out to cherish this condition-  more time laughing, playing cards, talking, dancing salsa crazily, hiking and watching movies together. We also went to Førde for ten-pin bowling – amazing. In the cabin, took  turns for the responsibility of the four main tasks: cooking, cleaning, keeping the fire and tidying.


After the Oslo trip, we went to Red Cross Cabin in Langeland. One of the biggest challenges staying in the cabin was the life without any internet connection for 7 days. In the beginning, no one was happy about this. However, every single one of us turned out to cherish this condition. Because we had more time laughing, playing cards, talking to one another, dancing salsa crazily, hiking and watching movies together. Alongside this, we went to Førde for ten-pin bowling and the thrill of playing in our groups was amazing. In the cabin, we were divided into 7 groups. Each group took its turn for the responsibility of the four main tasks: cooking, cleaning, keeping the fire and tidying.

Gingerbread HouseAs a group, we had a quiz and competition of making gingerbread houses which is a tradition in Norway. The wonderful moment began when we started to put icing on each other’s face. For me, staying in the cabin was my most favorite moment during the winter break because I took the opportunity to talk and get to know new friends.

Christmas was celebrated at the College. Although we were not at home with our families we enjoyed being together and running our own Secret Santa (through the kind donation of the parents of a former RCN student from Hong Kong). At New Year’s Eve, we had a special dinner, sang karaoke, danced and counted down for 2017 together. Since the winter break started, all of us were waiting for snow. We had almost given up on it because we didn’t have a ‘white’ Christmas but, to our surprise, on the very first day of 2017 when we looked outside our windows RCN looked like a winter wonderland. We took more pictures and had a snow ball fight.

Winter Programme participantsI am very happy and grateful for being a part of the College’s Winter Programme. As can be seen, we did everything together and got to know each other much better. We helped each other and passed through a lot of challenges as a group. The experiences taught me the true value of teamwork, forgiveness, friendship, compassion, and open-mindedness towards one another. We are like a family. ‘Memorable’ seems to be a suitable word that explains the whole experience. This sure will be one of the most memorable moments in my life.

I would like to express my gratitude to Thor Elvebakk, Alex Mackay, Josh Macfarlane and Kerrion Murhesa for taking good care and looking after us during the Winter Programme– and to Hildegunn Arstein and the rest of the staff team and our host families for their support and for making this wonderful event happen.

Meejung Kamolchatr Ruengthong (RCN ’18 Thailand)

2016 Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony

2018-10-16T09:32:21+01:00December 13th, 2016|

UWC RCN delegation at the ceremony5 students – Juan Pablo (Colombia), Pam (Colombia / Venezuela), Yael (Israel), Shweta (India) and Helen (Germany) – and one member of staff (Hilde from Norway) from UWC Red Cross Nordic attended the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony in the city Hall in Oslo on Saturday 10th December. The Nobel Peace Prize 2016 was awarded to Juan Manuel Santos (President of Colombia) “for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end”. Please see the links for a) the presentation Speech by Kaci Kullmann Five, Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and b) the Nobel Lecture delivered by the winner.

The world turns its attention every year to the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo and, given UWC’s mission for peace and a sustainable future, it is pertinent that our students are invited to attend the ceremony. Over 30 other students on our Winter Programme attended the candle-lit procession through Oslo city centre.

The awarding of the prize this year holds special significance for us as a College given our Colombian students – Yeison and Yerson – who have completed their studies here as participants on our Survivors of Conflict programme – for more information on the programme and future scholarship places, please click here.

RCN Board Meeting in Oslo

2016-12-06T06:16:48+01:00December 6th, 2016|

The Board members of UWC RCN met in Oslo on Friday 2nd December for its quarterly meeting at the offices of our partners, the Norwegian Red Cross. On the evening before, Marianne Andresen kindly hosted a dinner at her house, Smedbraaten, in Bygdøy to thank our Board members drawn from across the Nordic region and our Oslo-based Council members for their unstinting support and commitment to our UWC mission and values. The evening gave us an opportunity to introduce new friends to our world and work as educators – and we were also delighted also to connect with Oslo-based ambassadors, representatives on the Storting’s Education Committee, members of UWC Norge and our colleagues in the Norwegian Red Cross. At the end of the evening, a bouquet of flowers was given to Vibeke L’Orsa Mortensen to celebrate her retirement and to thank her for being a wonderful source of support and inspiration for the SOS Children’s Villages students at RCN over the past 21 years.

For Larry’s speech on building partnerships and bridges to and from Fjaler, please click here.

The World Water Summit

2018-10-16T09:32:21+01:00December 2nd, 2016|

Marta, Eirik, Sara and Yash with a delegate.Four students from four countries, from three schools around Sogn og Fjordane, participated in the year’s biggest event on water issues. The delegation was led by Judit Dudas , the sustainability leader of UWC RCN. Marta Pinzan (Italy, UWC RCN), Sara Overgard (Denmark, Sogn Jord-og Hagebruksskule), Yash Ramchandani (United Arab Emirates,  UWC RCN) and Eirik Hovstad (Norway, Firda Vidergående Skule) here summarize their experiences at the event:

The Budapest Water Summit is an international congress held every 3 years to discuss development in the realm of global water issues – with environmental, socio-economic and political perspectives. This year’s summit took place November 28th- 30th and was attended by around 1400 participants from 110 countries and a variety of sectors including politics, businesses and NGOs. The summit was divided into several forums (youth, civil, science and technology etc) and was intended to serve as a strategic platform to link to the various attempts to meet the UN’s 2030 agenda for sustainable development. The Summit ended with a call to adopt the newly-formed Budapest Statement 2016 which lays down key solutions that could be implemented by firms, governments, and citizens to attain international water security.

Water, water, everywhere ....Although our delegation was part of the youth forum, we were allowed to attend the others as well. This gave us a holistic view of the current problems the world faces whether it be sanitation or deforestation. Some specific issues that stood out for us were: The large gap between politicians and scientists, the flaws with the public-private-profit sharing model, and the lack of funding opportunities in water-related projects. Various solutions to these problems were proposed and intensely debated. The solutions ranged from simple things like making appeals to companies to follow policies or making scientific reports more accessible, to more radical ideas such as changing the global monetary system from private money to a public money system as still persisted in many places in the world in the 19th century. Over the course of these days, we also got the opportunity to meet several UN delegates, social enterpreneurs and university researchers. In reality, the Summit was more of a networking location to connect policy makers to entrepreneurial initiatives than a congress to find new solutions. It was extremely encouraging to see that the youth opinion was recognized and valued even at such high levels. It made us really happy to know that despite the difficulties that the world faces today, there is a strong and large community willing to fight for what’s right and bring change where necessary.

We were proud of being able to contribute to the messages of the Summit and hope that this will raise the awareness on water issues of not just political leaders, NGOs, scientist but the youth of Sogn og Fjordane.

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