Fjaler Prize for 2015
On Monday 14th December, The Fjaler Prize for 2015 was awarded to UWC Red Cross Nordic in Kommune Huset in Dale. This is the first time UWC RCN has received this award as an institution.
The purpose of the Fjaler Prize is to honour a particular effort to the benefit of the municipality and for focus on innovation, openness and inclusion. The candidates considered for the annual award should have:
- profiled Fjaler Kommune in a positive way
- made a particular contribution to the Fjaler Community
- made a particular contribution to the marketing of Fjaler Municipality
- made extra efforts to promote the mentioned values
Mayor Gunnhild Berge Stang , Gudmund Solheim, the Chair of the Prize Committee, presented the award to our Rektor (Larry) and Director of Development (Arne). In his presentation speech, Gudmund Solheim generously said:
“It would take much to find a candidate who would fill the criteria for the Fjaler Prize in a better way than UWC Red Cross Nordic” – and then went on to speak about a before and after the creation of UWC for our local environment. The College received a framed award, a painting by Dale artist, Helge Segrov, and a cheque for NOK 15,000.