Angie and Edmund (’01 – ’17)

2018-10-16T09:32:03+01:00June 14th, 2017|

Here I am in an airport waiting for another plane to catch and my thoughts turn to my decision to grant Angie and Edmund a two year leave of absence from RCN.

As I look into the kaleidoscope of working together with these two, lots of images flash across my eyes:

Edmund emitting his unparalleled generosity of spirit from the office opposite my own; Angie walking at speed down the path outside my study window clutching a baking tray of delights for her students below; Edmund sitting in the sun on the bench outside my office window talking and, much more importantly, listening to the students and staff around him; Angie standing at the bus door of a minibus to welcome wholeheartedly visitors from our local mottaks; Edmund, behind the lens, capturing the magic of RCN; Angie knitting and listening in an Education Staff Meeting; Edmund exhibiting an unlikely knowledge of the social lives of Hollywood C-listers at staff quiz nights; Angie twirling around the dance floor at Gammaldans; Edmund sporting a vibrantly coloured kurta; Angie looking magnificent after a trip to the Hair Salon Vidal Edmundo; Edmund introducing students of all profiles to the wonders of Theory of Knowledge; Angie sitting cross legged in the Silent House with students on our Survivors of Conflict and Foundation programmes; both Angie and Edmund cresting the top of Jarstadheia on May Day in blazing sunshine.

Edmund is always there in the wings for me – with his ability to make me laugh, his gift of saying an encouraging word at an opportune moment, and his quiet stillness in the midst of my world of chaos.

Angie is also always there for me – fresh with a new idea as to how we can develop learning support at RCN or run a new project for our partners at the Mottaks.

As they have been there for me, I am most certain they have been there for generations of students and staff here at RCN.

It is always such a pleasure to read the testimonials they have drafted for their advisees – beautifully scripted and exhibiting a deep care and understanding of those in their charge.

A few weeks ago, Edmund kindly offered to give staff, on our of Koselig evenings at Sperrestova, an insight into his life as a Zen Buddhist monk for fourteen years – it was fascinating and myth-busting.

I had always liked to imagine that, for love, (double O) Edmund had lowered himself out of a tower window on knotted sheets to the rooftop of the monastery in the middle of the night, commando-crawled to the back wall of the cloister and then, timed to perfection, dropped into the moving open-topped car with Angie at the controls.

My imagination had clearly run away with me.

With full permission of the Abbot and the community, Edmund stepped beyond the monastery to start a new life with Angie. Indeed some monks were reported to be relieved that he was no longer in charge of recording educationally interesting and morally uplifting documentaries for communal watching on a Friday evening.

One of my absolute favourite images of Angie and Edmund is seeing them on the road to Flekke – walking in all seasons, hand in hand.

I am going to finish with some words of wisdom from Albert Schweitzer – a French-German theologian, organist, philosopher, physician and Nobel Peace Prize winner – which for me capture what Angie and Edmund give to our community here at RCN:

‘Much that has become our own in gentleness, modesty, kindness, willingness to forgive, in veracity

[truthfulness], loyalty, resignation under suffering, we owe to people in whom we have seen or experienced these virtues at work, sometimes in a great matter, sometimes in a small.’

As I said in the welcoming address at graduation, you have been role models of humility, integrity and compassion to us all – and you both, as individuals and as a partnership, have ‘lighted’ new flames within each of us.

We wish you some wonderful adventures and look forward to welcoming you back to RCN.

Richard D A Lamont
6th June 2017

Vidar Jensen & Arne Ophaug (’95 – ’17)

2018-10-16T09:32:04+01:00June 9th, 2017|

This summer sees the retirement of Arne Ophaug (Head of Services) and Vidar Jensen (Head of Maintenance) at UWC Red Cross Nordic. Both have served the College for 22 years since it was opened back in 1995 – with Vidar in fact working at Haugland for the past 30 years, from the times before the College and the Rehabilitation Centre were opened. Both have made an extraordinary contribution to the development of our College – and, as recognition of their unstinting commitment, we asked them to represent the College at a gala event in September 2016 in the gardens of the Royal Palace in Oslo with a special invitation from our patron, HM Queen Sonja.

In the last College Meeting of this term, the students and staff gave them both a standing ovation as an expression of thanks for all that they have given and on Friday a special barbecue was put on in their honour.

Vidar has kindly offered to be the project manager for the construction of the new baking house, next to the Silent House – and we look forward to welcoming both him and Arne back to the campus in the years to come.

Reidun Bergstrøm (’95 – ’17)

2017-06-07T07:12:36+01:00June 7th, 2017|

I first met Reidun in April 2007 during the art exhibition in the Høegh. Her energy, creative influence and her firm yet gentle handling of the students made an immediate impact. Fast forward to August 2008 . I was a member of Reidun’s advisor team as Finland house mentor. As the Senior House Mentor, Reidun was welcoming, helpful, friendly, organized, and an excellent leader. She was firm and fair in her dealings with everyone.

The house-mentor meetings in her house were conducted in an informal but with business-like efficiency. The interest and welfare of the students were ever paramount in her mind. Yet, at the same time, she never gave in to any unreasonable requests or demands of anyone.

Reidun, you have been making the world a better place throughout your career – the words of wisdom that you conveyed to the young people from around the world, the kindness that you bestowed on them and the frowned face that you put on before them have all gone in to making them into better informed, more compassionate, and highly responsive global citizens.

Of course, you have bigger and better things to focus on from here onwards. Your grandkids are lucky as they get a greater share of your quality time, love, affection, and care.

Even though you’re leaving us, we know you’ll have a great time. Congratulations on your retirement. Your experience, knowledge, dedication, and presence will be sorely missed. Best of luck in your brand-new adventure!

Go well!

Ashok Pratap Singh
Director of Residential Life

Sara Al-Husaynat (’16-’19)

2018-10-16T09:32:09+01:00May 8th, 2017|

Sara, from Iraq, is one of our students on the Foundation Programme. She was born with Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) – brittle bone disease. She has a fragile body and significantly reduced stamina, but her character is strong, her mind is sharp and inquisitive, and she possesses a well-developed sense of humour. In Iraq, she explained, children are supposed to go to school at the age of 6. However, at the time when children of her age were starting school, she was embarking on years of operations and physiotherapy, mainly in Austria. Her father became a volunteer with SAAR (Society for Austro-Arab Relations) after a chance encounter in a hospital in Basra when he was seeking medical help for his daughter. This organization has funded Sara’s treatment, among other things. Eventually Sara started school at the age of 8. In her mainstream school it was difficult to be in a wheelchair and she was afraid of her boisterous classmates who ”kept jumping around” and easily could have fractured one of her bones in play. Her mother accompanied her to school and sat in classes with her every single day throughout her school career.

When Sara was offered a scholarship to study in Norway, her family was understandably concerned about the potential risks. To make this possible, Sara’s father was invited to accompany Sara to the 3-week RCN Summer Course, giving him the opportunity to meet with staff, observe practices, advise us on the support Sara might need, and much more.

Sara with her English teacher

Sara with her advisor

Sara faces a lot of challenges here, learning to get around in her electric wheelchair, adapting to the winter weather, figuring out how to meet the demands of the daily schedule without getting exhausted. When she needs to rest for an extended period to recover her energy and get relief from discomfort, she sometimes has to takes a day off, which is one of the reasons why she feels very grateful to join the Foundation Programme. For many participants int he programme, it gives them the chance to get used to an English-speaking environment. In Sara’s case, it enables her body to get used to the environment. Now much more comfortable with the academic systems and the residential expectations, she is learning to manage her time, gaining understanding of how to cope with very different demands from what she is used to. She is looking forward to returning as a confident First Year student in August, 2017.

One of Sara’s greatest joys here is meeting people from different backgrounds. Back home she could not see her friends easily outside the academic day and it was hard to develop strong friendships. Here she is able to chat with her friends at any time, communicating in Arabic, English and German. She is also learning Norwegian as part of her Foundation timetable, along with a full programme of lessons. She is very grateful for the safe community, teachers, the Extra Academic Activities (EAC), and Project-based Learning weeks. Through “The Knights” EAC, she is trying new activities such as canoeing, kayaking and swimming, savouring the fresh air and beautiful nature around her. Working closely with a physiotherapist at the Red Cross Rehabilitation Centre which shares our campus, she is becoming more aware of what her body is capable of doing. Through Haugland she has also met others with OI for the first time.

“I find my new life wonderful, but hard. Thanks to the Foundation Year that difficulty is slowly decreasing.”

For profiles and news of other students and alumni, click here.

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