Elizabeth Sellevold

2022-06-07T12:36:39+01:00June 7th, 2022|

Elizabeth Sellevold

Photo by Thomas Brun

Please get to know Elizabeth Sellevold, the Chair of the UWC Red Cross Nordic Board and how she wants to help UWC Red Cross Nordic to develop:

Since I was a teenager, books have been my passion. I studied management at St. Andrews in Scotland. But as soon as I graduated, I started to study comparative literature at the University of Bergen. That became a formative year intellectually, and I then aimed for the publishing world. Since the age of 24, that’s been my occupation. I am now the Publishing Manager at Forlaget Vigmostad & Bjørke, Norway’s fourth-largest publisher.
But firstly, there is my family: two stepsons, one son, a daughter, two daughters-in-law, a grandson and my parents. We love to be together, at home in Oslo or in the cabin in the mountains.

Elizabeth’s history to UWC

I have a long connection with UWC, both internationally and in Norway. I am an alumna of Atlantic College (1988-90), and I have worked voluntarily for the Norwegian National Committee for about seven years, four as the Chair. I was also elected to the International Council as a member of the Committee of National Committees. This has given me an extensive network in the international UWC-movement.
I am very grateful for my experience going to a UWC college. I profoundly believe in the value of diversity and the transformative power of education. With my professional background and expertise from UWC, I hope to be able to contribute to the development of the school.

The way forward

I will start by talking to people to get a broad picture of what we need. The recruitment of a new head of UWC Red Cross Nordic after Hege`s resignment has been a high priority and I’m glad that we have succeed in hiring Pelham Lindfield Roberts. Pelham has a long background from the UWC movement and IB and I am confident that he will be a valuable resource and I look forward to working with him. Naturally the well-being of the students and staff is also essential to me as the Chair and I am really looking forward to working with the whole community at UWC Red Cross Nordic to continue to develop the best learning environment for all.

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Magnea Gna Johannsdottir (RCN ’17)

2022-05-23T16:34:06+01:00May 23rd, 2022|

Magnea Gna Johannsdottir (RCN ’17) is the youngest person ever elected to the Reykjavik city council. Her political party Framsókn (English: Progressive Party)  gained 18,7% of the votes, making it the third-largest party in the city and the key to negotiating majority governance. The elections showed that people wanted change, and people were willing to vote for parties with young people on the frontline. Read Magnea’s journey to current achievement.

“When I sit down to write about my United World College (UWC) journey, after having been in RCN and an intern at UWC Thailand, I realize how greatly the UWC movement has influenced my life. My UWC experience goes under an umbrella of idealism, beauty and unity. The consistent challenging of my ideals was something I now find beautiful. It broke down the walls of what once created my four sided “box” and allowed me to see the abstract world beyond it. In other words it left me thinking about the world from more than a single perspective. It also made me realize that I have a voice that I can use to make a difference for the good.

UWC taught me a lot of things, one of them is that if you want to get something done you must do it. Things do not happen by sitting by. I guess this is also something that led to where I’m now. Currently, I’m doing my Master’s degree in law, where I focus mostly on human rights law, and running for the city council of Reykjavík, third on the list. Where I’m focusing on matters that are in many ways shaped by UWC values.

For example, respect for the environment. One of the most pressing issues of our times are environmental issues. Especially, for generations to come as they will inherit the world. We must make sure that people can live a sustainable lifestyle and remove all hindrances to it. The will to live a sustainable lifestyle has never been more amongst people. Sustainability and the environmental issues must be the red thread of all actions.

Additionally, humanity must be in the foreground of all decision making. We must give voice to those without it and ensure equal opportunities for all. International and intercultural understanding has never been more pressing in Iceland, as we are welcoming more refugees than ever.

I chose a political party, Framsókn, that focuses on working together and democracy and objects polarized politics. UWC also taught me that the best decisions are made when we work together and discuss things to understand the issues at hand better. Framsókn has shown that they trust young people in politics. That trust I believe to be very important as we need to have all groups and ages of society involved in decision making. Especially young people that will inherit today’s decisions.

My two years in Flekke flew by – the most transformative years of my life. The years where I grew and expanded my horizons in the shortest amount of time. RCN is in my eyes truly an ideal place created by people from all over the world that come to live together and share the same values. Values that still unite us today and will continue to influence our decisions throughout our lives. I can’t be more thankful for the UWC experience. It is my hope that the UWC movement will continue to grow successfully, always creating educational opportunities independent of people’s socio- and economic status.”

In People of UWCRCN you find stories of alumni or other members of our community. Here are the laterst.

Valeriia Ivanova (RCN’23)

December 14th, 2022|

Meet Valeriia Ivanova, our first year student from Ukraine: I live in Irpin, a city close to the capital, Kyiv. My city was occupied for several months, and [...]

Kainat Ansari (RCN’19)

September 8th, 2022|

Meet Kainat Ansari from Pakistan. After graduating from RCN, she studied Psychology at Whitman College, where she received the Ben Rabinowitz Awards for her community work. Now she continues [...]

Elizabeth Sellevold

June 7th, 2022|

Photo by Thomas Brun Please get to know Elizabeth Sellevold, the Chair of the UWC Red Cross Nordic Board and how she wants to help UWC Red [...]

Gunvor Norddal (RCN ’01 – present)

2022-01-05T13:08:00+01:00January 5th, 2022|

The Little and Big World

Gunvor Norddal vividly remembers her first full working day at UWC Red Cross Nordic. On the way home from work she received the shocking news about two towers having been hit by airplanes in New York. Needless to say, the day was 9/11. In her new job, she was part of the team that was catering for young people from all over the world. Now an unexpected and terrifying drama was transmitted from out there as she was driving through Flekke.

Gunvor has never regretted taking on the job in the kitchen at the College. It may be hectic at times, but the team spirit is strong. – The fact that we have such a stable workforce, tells about a supportive and good working environment, with strong collegiality. Gunvor does not have immediate plans for going on retirement, but she has reached a stage in life where you start to think about the next stage. She is very much looking forward to having more time for her six grandchildren, who all live locally in Dale and also to have more opportunities to see her mother in Hyen.

– Preparing food for so many students and visitors is a meaningful task. Gunvor is happy to see a slight increase in vegetarian food in the cantina. – When it comes to meat dishes, chicken seems to be nearly too popular. It does not take a long time before 85 kilos of chicken is all gone, even though it is the prescribed amount for the group. Then we have to find more food to add up for those who arrive late. We have learned to be flexible, and are not surprised about the choices our students make. The team has many years of experience in making good plans, bearing in mind student preferences, and is ready to respond to make sure that everyone is well fed on a daily basis.

In People of UWCRCN you find stories of alumni or other members of our community. Here are the laterst.

Valeriia Ivanova (RCN’23)

December 14th, 2022|

Meet Valeriia Ivanova, our first year student from Ukraine: I live in Irpin, a city close to the capital, Kyiv. My city was occupied for several months, and [...]

Kainat Ansari (RCN’19)

September 8th, 2022|

Meet Kainat Ansari from Pakistan. After graduating from RCN, she studied Psychology at Whitman College, where she received the Ben Rabinowitz Awards for her community work. Now she continues [...]

Elizabeth Sellevold

June 7th, 2022|

Photo by Thomas Brun Please get to know Elizabeth Sellevold, the Chair of the UWC Red Cross Nordic Board and how she wants to help UWC Red [...]

Fabiana Irigoyen (RCN 16-18)

2021-10-19T11:55:52+01:00October 19th, 2021|

Passionate about Diversity and Food 

When I left Bolivia, at 16, to attend UWC Red Cross Nordic, I could not believe how much I was going to learn and live. RCN has given me the tools, support, and the self-confidence that I needed to expand my horizons. Every friend I made there, has made a huge impact on my life and I am thankful for it. 

After RCN, I decided to study in the United States. I am currently in the last year of my undergraduate program at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. I am completing a Bachelor of Sciences in Human Nutrition and a minor in Biology. I chose nutrition as a career because I am passionate about food and how much diversity there is on it and how we can apply it in a healthy way to our daily lives. During my last year, I am taking the time to explore student clubs and organizations that focus on sustainability, diversity, and dietetics. Recently, we celebrated the Hispanic Heritage Month on campus. We had a variety of events where students, faculty, and staff members joined forces to celebrate our history. As part of it, I was interviewed by the university daily news, where I was asked what this month of celebration meant to me.

 I still miss RCN and its people, and without them I would not be where I am now. Thank you!

In People of UWCRCN you find stories of alumni or other members of our community. Here are the laterst.

Valeriia Ivanova (RCN’23)

December 14th, 2022|

Meet Valeriia Ivanova, our first year student from Ukraine: I live in Irpin, a city close to the capital, Kyiv. My city was occupied for several months, and [...]

Kainat Ansari (RCN’19)

September 8th, 2022|

Meet Kainat Ansari from Pakistan. After graduating from RCN, she studied Psychology at Whitman College, where she received the Ben Rabinowitz Awards for her community work. Now she continues [...]

Elizabeth Sellevold

June 7th, 2022|

Photo by Thomas Brun Please get to know Elizabeth Sellevold, the Chair of the UWC Red Cross Nordic Board and how she wants to help UWC Red [...]

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