Thursday 11th November Ville Niinistö, former Minister of Environment for Finland, now Member of the European Parliament, had an online with all our students, who gathered in the auditorium. He was part of the Finnish delegation at the COP26. Now back in Brussels, he talked about the importance of recent events in Glasgow. The COP26 is the 5 years landmark after the Paris Agreement where the signatory countries evaluate their pledges and contributions and try to aim beyond the former 2°C goal and pursuing to keep temperature rise below 1.5°C. In his dialogue with the students, Mr Niinistö underlined the importance of natural carbon sinks and taxation as a powerful tool. He gave an insight into the complexities of the issues, that we are still far from having a framework for reaching the goals. Still big strides have been taken since Paris. Business, which previously was a sector with much resistance, now takes a leading role in making the shift. This was a student-led event, with Anna Blazkova and Kaapo Haapanen leading the online session. The overall impression was that it is urgent to contribute towards changes. The challenges ahead are demanding, but not impossible if we all sectors pull in the same direction and the individuals make efforts. A memorable event for our students, that we are connected with the arenas where it all is happening.

In recognition of this our global responsibility, and allowing for our individual contexts a Climate Commitment was signed by the Heads of all UWC schools and colleges in May. This event at our College was part of the educational element of the Commitment that will be followed by a Climate Action Film Festival in last weeks of the term.

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