Miljøfyrtårn or Eco-lighthouse is Norway’s most widely used environmental certification scheme It is an EU-recognised system, like EMAS and ISO 14001. With Eco-lighthouse we work to create more environmentally friendly operations, sustainability education, and a safer work environment beyond our legal requirements. In 2021 we can look back at being certified for 10 years through Eco-Lighthouse and we just got successfully audited and recertified for the next 3 years in the frameworks of the constantly revised and tightened requirements.
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Psycho-social first aid course
This weekend we held the Psycho-social first aid course for 20 interested students. The course is a part of our Red Cross Diploma and was led by Anita Nelissen Leirvåg. It went into [...]
Go Make A Difference
GoMakeADifference was created by Colin Habgood and his wife Jill Longson (AC ’81) in 2001, to provide grants to UWC students. This year, we have three projects from UWC Red Cross Nordic that [...]
Friluftsveka 2019 in Stryn
In the last 9 days, all first year students got to experience the cold, sunny, challenging and fun feelings of being deep in the mountains – as part of our annual Friluftsveka (Outdoor [...]