Passionate about Diversity and Food 

When I left Bolivia, at 16, to attend UWC Red Cross Nordic, I could not believe how much I was going to learn and live. RCN has given me the tools, support, and the self-confidence that I needed to expand my horizons. Every friend I made there, has made a huge impact on my life and I am thankful for it. 

After RCN, I decided to study in the United States. I am currently in the last year of my undergraduate program at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. I am completing a Bachelor of Sciences in Human Nutrition and a minor in Biology. I chose nutrition as a career because I am passionate about food and how much diversity there is on it and how we can apply it in a healthy way to our daily lives. During my last year, I am taking the time to explore student clubs and organizations that focus on sustainability, diversity, and dietetics. Recently, we celebrated the Hispanic Heritage Month on campus. We had a variety of events where students, faculty, and staff members joined forces to celebrate our history. As part of it, I was interviewed by the university daily news, where I was asked what this month of celebration meant to me.

 I still miss RCN and its people, and without them I would not be where I am now. Thank you!

In People of UWCRCN you find stories of alumni or other members of our community. Here are the laterst.

  • Mohamed Amine Belarbi

Mohamed Amine Belarbi (’10 -’12)

February 9th, 2016|

Mohamed Amine Belarbi has been involved and engaged since graduating in 2012. From RCN he went straight to New York University in Abu Dhabi where he is not only successfully pursuing [...]

  • Maja Horvath

Maja Horvath (’15 -’17)

February 1st, 2016|

"I was always very interested in music, I don’t know where it came from.  I was never forced into it. Before I even had an actual violin I would practice [...]