– In you I see future leaders with a growth mindset, qualities the world needs to tackle what is ahead of us. Action to tackle the climate crisis is urgent, and all sectors need to contribute. Avoiding an imminent crisis out of fear, is not a sufficient motivating factor. Change starts at a personal level, with everyone being involved. Kimberly is optimistic about a paradigm shift in the business world, not being driven solely by profit, but with a deeper understanding of the common good.
Latest News
Amina (RCN’19) awarded with Davis Project for Peace
Congratulations to Amina (RCN'19). The Davis Committee has chosen her project among the rewarded for the 'Davis Project for Peace' 2020.
In Memory of Ulysses (Nkosingizwele) Zwane (UWCRCN 2002)
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RCN Students get ChangeMaker Funds
Congratulations to our RCN students Laura, Ylva, Diva and Meg whose ChangeMaker video-pitch about Quality Education was so good that they project got funded! Now the real work starts as they have to [...]