– In you I see future leaders with a growth mindset, qualities the world needs to tackle what is ahead of us. Action to tackle the climate crisis is urgent, and all sectors need to contribute. Avoiding an imminent crisis out of fear, is not a sufficient motivating factor. Change starts at a personal level, with everyone being involved. Kimberly is optimistic about a paradigm shift in the business world, not being driven solely by profit, but with a deeper understanding of the common good.
Latest News
Flekke – United Again
We were delighted to receive alumnus Mark Wang back to his old college this weekend. Mark is the founder and Chair of UWC Changshu. He has been nominated as one of 10 most [...]
LGBTQ+ Pride Celebration
On Saturday, members of the RCN community gathered for the annual LGBTQ+ Pride celebration. Fifty students, staff members, and families marched from the school to Flekke in a joyous, colorful parade. In Flekke, leaders [...]
RCN Council Meeting 2019
Pär Stenbäck Our annual Council Meeting was held at the end of last week. Following elections we are glad to welcome Johan Aura (Finland) as a new member to the Council. [...]