Next year, between the 7th and the 13th of March, UWC Red Cross Nordic will host the John Hick Centenary Conference. This conference will focus on creating opportunities for interreligious dialogue and intercultural understanding. We will welcome several renowned scholars of philosophy and theology, including Mark and Prof. Peter Hick, Prof. Perry Schmidt-Leukel, Prof. David Cheetham, Dr. Sharada Sugirtharajah, Hugh Rice, Reverend Canon Philip Lambert, Dr. Timothy Musgrove, Revd Sonya Wratten and Dr. Alan Race. You can read more about the guest speaker from our conference booklet.

We look forward to engaging with philosophy and religion during an entire week full of events, lectures and workshops. Several of the events will be available for streaming and open to the public. The topics will range from the ideas and arguments of John Hick to other issues of philosophy of religion, such as the problem of evil and different themes for discussion from Buddhism abd Hinduism.

If you have any questions about the event, please email

Photo by professor Yujin Nagasawa

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