Faith Abiodun will join UWC International as its new Executive Director based in London, starting 1 December. Originally from Nigeria, he is an education and social enterprise leader, international affairs analyst, writer and speaker. His career includes almost a decade of experience in an executive role at the African Leadership Academy.
“I am incredibly delighted to join UWC International at such an exciting time in our history,” said Faith Abiodun. “For nearly 60 years, this movement has consistently placed education at the forefront of the cause of developing a peaceful and sustainable future. As the world experiences seismic shifts politically, economically and socially, that mission is even more relevant today. I am eagerly looking forward to working with the UWC International Board and Council, the UWC national committees, the UWC schools and colleges, the students, alumni and volunteers and of course the staff at the UWC International Office, as well as many other exceptional individuals and partners across the world whose passion and energy will continue to sustain this movement as we strive daily in pursuit of our powerful mission.”

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