International Matbord
Students at the matbord On Sunday 15 November a number of students and staff joined in an International Food Table (Internasjonalt Matbord) event organised by the "volunteer central" (frivilligsentral) in Dale. Food from [...]
Nordic National Committees
It is a pleasure to host the Nordic National Committees on campus for their Annual General Meeting this weekend. Their itinerary has included connecting with students, meeting for their AGM and with the Education Management [...]
Nordic Life: Helle Knives
Today Torodd Helle, CEO of Helle Fabrikke (Knife Factory) in Holmedal came and gave a presentation to the first years as part of their Nordic Life Skills course. He gave the students an introduction to [...]
UWC Changshu – Opening
An RCN delegation was invited to attend the opening of UWC Changshu, the first UWC in mainland China - an exciting development. It has been a long journey - starting with the founder (Mark Wang) [...]
RCN Jubilee Event in Oslo
On Tuesday 3rd November, Marianne Andresen kindly hosted a drinks reception at her house in Bygdøy as part of RCN's 2015 Jubilee celebrations. The hosting team consisted of Marianne, Larry (Rektor), Tove (Chair of RCN's [...]
Red Cross Anniversary
Today is the official day set aside in Norway for the 150th anniversary of the Norwegian Red Cross – students on campus have designed a special programme as part of our College’s contribution to the nationwide [...]