Mid-October, we welcomed the Executive Director of UWC, Faith Abiodun, to campus. Faith joined UWC International as Executive Director in 2021, bringing a wealth of experience from his time as an education and social enterprise leader, international affairs analyst, writer, and speaker.
Being the 6th UWC Faith has visited this year, we hopefully managed to give Faith a taste of RCN’s uniqueness through our close relationship with the Red Cross and our good neighbors at Red Cross Haugland Rehabilitation centre. Students were a central part of the visit, inviting Faith to participate in the classroom and extra academic activities, amongst others taking our visitor out to explore the fjord – led by our outdoor leaders.

When I had the opportunity to visit UWC Red Cross Nordic earlier this month and to engage with students, teachers, staff, and partners, I was deeply inspired by the intricate blend of outstanding education, Nordic values, humanitarian leadership, and environmental stewardship that define the College’s unique place in the UWC movement and in the world.” – said Faith.

As the UWC movement celebrates its 60th Anniversary this year, we also used this opportunity to “Celebrate the past while looking into the future!“. Faith’s speech to the whole community gave us food for thought about the way forward for UWC. Thank you so much for the visit. Hope to see you again in not too long!



See our interview with Faith Abiodun:


Photos by RCN Media Crew

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